Sunday, April 18, 2010

hey ppl

today i went to this competition thing... call NAS " nation all style"
its was alright , came first... blah blah blah


i was suppose to wake up at 3:30 this morning to .. pack and make breakfast and shit... than i was soo sleepy it wasnt funny... that rhyms :) ... it slept at 12... no wonder>< i got up at 3:30 to turn off all my alarms coz i set on at 3:30 ... than i didnt see the sun.. no shit coz its 3:30 XPP so i went bak to sleep for another 10mins :) i ... uhhh woke up at 6:30 :) doesnt make sence ayy >< .. i call micheal (the dude that took us , look at my FB photos) he said he was still arriving , so i quickly got up , took shower, brush mii teeth! AND GUESS WHAT ! no BREAKFAST !!! D: sigh.. well we starded heading off the the gold palce stadium place, and stop by a macdonal , tony (looks at FB photo again)he got a small coke... and wanted a coffee (cupacino) and he asked if i can swap it... than i was like... i dont think u can do that >< , anywayz he went to the counter and aculty did it ... WDH he came back with a small cupacion ... which is worth $3 and small coke is $2 ... OMG >< i wanna try that one day !! gah...

sooo at the stadium did my shit, sat, walk, took photo, I WAS BEING A POSER ALL DAY >< :L , i shuffled ^^ long time :P , and took ALOOOOT of photo , but cbf fb-ing them all so if u want to see them ask to tomorrow at school.

now im bored, soo byeee >< :L my nas score: but its pritty funny =/ (accoding to me ><)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

hello beatiful people ;) (for the girls... ><)

Todayy !!! was a abnormal day ... LOL

chink school....blah blah blah

When to the thingoo, & "Was" going to perform at ipswich or seomwhere but there wasnt any room !! D: fml.
Before thatt !! we were doing cartwheels , tom went aswell ;) yay tom pham , anywayz... i was doing cartwheel... for some reason when i did it .. danny's pant came off (coz my shoe hit him) HAHA... it was funny for a bit.. than he charged at me ... and tried to dack me... me u all know im too good for that to happen ;) HEHE~ just joking !! (dont think im cocky coz i not D: ) ... after they left, i stay back and training , one of my seniors taught me very usefull skills in fighting and training :) it glad i stayed back !!

anywayz , ... always :L

tomorrow i have NAS competition !! yay >< :L gotta wake up at like 5am to get ready ... >< psssssh i wanna SLEEP !! goosh D:
jks. wish me luck ;) i need it!! D:

run ~

SNSD !! :D ~~~~

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


You better run ~ run ~ run ~ run
Cross country !!! haha! was fail ... not gonna talk about it ! :P jks laaa
well... i dunno ==" simmon came third in 16years old :D YAY !! congratz :D

other than that... school was boring! at 3rd period ... i ate lollies for the whole time !! too sweeet D: , i should be eatting lollies with bracers right ... ? awelll D:. thats ghey D: hehe im so rebel ^^

at sport !!! gahh... i couldnt hit the ball D: was it coz i was tired , or was it too noob ! D: i think its both ;P lol. OMG!! simmon ... simmon simmon simmon! D: hit the ball right into my chest ( wasnt hes fault haha :P i missed the catch D: ) man ... soo pro D: Well Laterz Gee~ i'll blog again later.. coz tonight gonna be one boring night !! & did i tell u that "SEA POTORAL" was on tonight ;) i <3 that show !!! haha :L sadly no asian chicks are in it ! D: jksjks.

& !!!! heyy :D i forgot to say hey... D: dammit ! so rude ay? :P
& OMG ! i know wat im doing for multicutral as well ! mr chen said it was good...ish... and i think that means 100% show off !! D: gahhh...

welll well well looks whos reading the boringest blog ;) hehe~ man im bored ...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Yo sup (:

to let you know, im just gonna randomly blog when i feel bored :P

Lets start (:
wel ... i was watching this youtube vid it SOOO funny .. it nearly made me cry beacuse it was so funny haha. well its kinda racist ... or watever u call it. Tbh... why post about it, when 5.2m other people who viewed it gonna diss you aswell...(i think) :L fail ><


im bored D: talk to me !!! lol jks (;
ipod getting boring ... i should get more games on it !!
school tomorrow :3 yay.. hope its fun xD
cross country wednesday
lol big week ):

well bye for now ;) mite blog again tonight !! beacuse im so effen bored!! D:

haha this morning was soooo fun ish :L
was singing over skype haha lol.
it was alright :L
well since its now 11:00am , i shall do something eles ! D: like ermm eat ? :O nah, well im uber bored right now... again so i write random things on the blog , as u can see ;)
maybe later on today , i'll play CA again! hope i dont lagg too much like yesterday.
well boring morning = boring blog sooo laterz :D
hope my day will get better, and yours too... xD
Fireflies (Y)
First post :)

how do i start ... D:
well !! let start with tonight ... (Y) :D

ate dinner.... the usual :L

Oh 30mins !! omb~~
I nearly chopped off my toe !!! >< . i drop a knife in the kitchen , coz i was feeling hungry and made something to eat AND the knife landed in between my toes !!! wahhhahah >< it was pritty scary. D:
& now !! alot of bug flying above me !! D: in the light !! D: ...
DAM bugs ! watching anime ... , my ipod ran out of battery for the first time. :D

im procrastination way to much >< suppose to finish this math assignment thing like a year ago (a week) and still havnt started and it dued on the coming friday! hehe~~ D:
Big week , for first week of school.
IM GONNA STUDY THIS TIME !! :D i hope... ><

fun first post ? ;) well it better be ><

Nsm Chats tonight :
[ nightmarees ] says:
*i wish theres chinese singstar bro
Name: Daniel Wang
Age: 14
SChool : MacGee High