Sunday, April 11, 2010

Yo sup (:

to let you know, im just gonna randomly blog when i feel bored :P

Lets start (:
wel ... i was watching this youtube vid it SOOO funny .. it nearly made me cry beacuse it was so funny haha. well its kinda racist ... or watever u call it. Tbh... why post about it, when 5.2m other people who viewed it gonna diss you aswell...(i think) :L fail ><


im bored D: talk to me !!! lol jks (;
ipod getting boring ... i should get more games on it !!
school tomorrow :3 yay.. hope its fun xD
cross country wednesday
lol big week ):

well bye for now ;) mite blog again tonight !! beacuse im so effen bored!! D:

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