Sunday, April 11, 2010

First post :)

how do i start ... D:
well !! let start with tonight ... (Y) :D

ate dinner.... the usual :L

Oh 30mins !! omb~~
I nearly chopped off my toe !!! >< . i drop a knife in the kitchen , coz i was feeling hungry and made something to eat AND the knife landed in between my toes !!! wahhhahah >< it was pritty scary. D:
& now !! alot of bug flying above me !! D: in the light !! D: ...
DAM bugs ! watching anime ... , my ipod ran out of battery for the first time. :D

im procrastination way to much >< suppose to finish this math assignment thing like a year ago (a week) and still havnt started and it dued on the coming friday! hehe~~ D:
Big week , for first week of school.
IM GONNA STUDY THIS TIME !! :D i hope... ><

fun first post ? ;) well it better be ><

Nsm Chats tonight :
[ nightmarees ] says:
*i wish theres chinese singstar bro

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