Sunday, April 18, 2010

hey ppl

today i went to this competition thing... call NAS " nation all style"
its was alright , came first... blah blah blah


i was suppose to wake up at 3:30 this morning to .. pack and make breakfast and shit... than i was soo sleepy it wasnt funny... that rhyms :) ... it slept at 12... no wonder>< i got up at 3:30 to turn off all my alarms coz i set on at 3:30 ... than i didnt see the sun.. no shit coz its 3:30 XPP so i went bak to sleep for another 10mins :) i ... uhhh woke up at 6:30 :) doesnt make sence ayy >< .. i call micheal (the dude that took us , look at my FB photos) he said he was still arriving , so i quickly got up , took shower, brush mii teeth! AND GUESS WHAT ! no BREAKFAST !!! D: sigh.. well we starded heading off the the gold palce stadium place, and stop by a macdonal , tony (looks at FB photo again)he got a small coke... and wanted a coffee (cupacino) and he asked if i can swap it... than i was like... i dont think u can do that >< , anywayz he went to the counter and aculty did it ... WDH he came back with a small cupacion ... which is worth $3 and small coke is $2 ... OMG >< i wanna try that one day !! gah...

sooo at the stadium did my shit, sat, walk, took photo, I WAS BEING A POSER ALL DAY >< :L , i shuffled ^^ long time :P , and took ALOOOOT of photo , but cbf fb-ing them all so if u want to see them ask to tomorrow at school.

now im bored, soo byeee >< :L my nas score: but its pritty funny =/ (accoding to me ><)

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